
I make kys/kms jokes, I make sexual jokes abt characters. I'll get clingy to you if we become close, I jokingly bully you if you do the same with me. If you're rude/kind to me I'll be rude/kind to you so don't get mad at me if I get "rude".. I'd probably talk a-lot abt my bfs..

Support Proshipping, pedophilla, racist, homophobic, saying slurs you can't use, dream stans, mean to me for no reason. Ignore me on purpose, makes fun of young people art. Venting randomly. Hate on me for liking a ship you don't like.


Games : Roblox, Genshin Impact, Pjsk, Minecraft. If you wanna add me in any of these games ask, and I'll add you !

LOML Kiyo, Mike <33 I love you guys and nobody can replace you! You guys me me giggle everyday. I'm glad I married you guys, I promise you I'll always be by your guys sides no matter what! I've become happier with you guys, so thank you
OTHER people call me Coco or boo boo bear or butters ! If you have any nicknames for me I would like to hear them. My tiro : Me, Lilly, Kiyo, Mike, Ollie >> you guys are the best


I don't support the things Genshin Impact has done! Please don't come after me I just like game nothing more than that. I'm not of those weird genshin fans.